Meeting Information
- 1st & 3rd Thursday
- 8:00am - 9:30am
Panera at Galleria Mall
1500 Washington Rd.
Mt. Lebanon, PA 15228 - Contact:
- Veronica Berton
[email protected] - WBN South Hills Chapter

South Hills Chapter
Welcome to the South Hills Chapter of WBN.
The Women’s Business Network (WBN) is a community to support success and growth, provide networking opportunities, and a resource for tools and education and professional development. WBN provides each member with the tools to be successful, including goal setting, marketing, presentation skills, and services to help widen her circle of influence and expand her marketplace.
WBN has 23 chapters in and around the Pittsburgh area with approximately 400 total members. Each chapter is category specific so there will not be a competing business in the same group. Members are required to attend at least 50% of the meetings during the year.
In addition to chapter meetings and events, WBN hosts eight larger events each year throughout the region, including four Regional networking events, an All Chapter networking event, an Annual Dinner, a Holiday Breakfast, and a weekend retreat. There is no attendance requirement for these events, but they are a great opportunity to expand your network.
The South Hills Chapter was formed in 1990 and we currently have 19 great women in our group. Many of our members have served in a leadership capacity, including on the WBN Board and as Chapter Representatives. Tracy Montarti, currently serves on the Board.
If your business category is open in our chapter, you are welcome to attend as our guest to see what we are all about! (Click here to see our member directory. Click on “South Hills” in the drop down box to see the list of members and categories in our chapter). If your category is taken, feel free to use the directory to see if another chapter close by has your category open.
There is a lot of support and camaraderie within our group of women!
When: 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month from 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Where: Panera Meeting Room at the Galleria Mall, 1500 Washington Rd., Mt. Lebanon, PA 15228
Meeting Format:
- Thirty-Second Commercials: Each member has the opportunity to introduce themselves and their business.
- Announcements / New Business / Chapter Report
- Presentations / Hot Seat: Two members give a Presentation about her business for about 10-15 minutes or choose the Hot Seat which is to share a challenge or opportunity to gain feedback and brainstorm ideas from other members.
- Table Topic: One member presents on a subject for 10 minutes that would be of interest to everyone. It is not necessarily always a business topic.
- Referral Thank you’s & Testimonials
Facebook group: We have a Facebook group that is exclusive to our chapter to share information.
Chapter Picnic: Each year we have a chapter picnic instead of our regular meeting- its a great time to get to know each other better! The picnic is held at the home of one of our members.
Shop-Til-You-Drop: Every November we conduct a “Shop-‘Til-You Drop” meeting for all of our members. Any member who has products to sell will set up a table with their products for all of the members to do some holiday shopping.
Our chapter members are currently supporting South Hills Interfaith Movement (SHIM). SHIM mobilizes community resources and implements sustainable programs that compassionately help our neighbors meet basic needs, achieve self-sufficiency and build community. Our recent participation was to collect and donate book bag items for their Back to School Drive for children in need in the South Hills.
Please contact us to join our chapter- We look forward to meeting you!