Mid-Year Business Review for Small Business Owners

As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind of running your business. However, taking a step back periodically to review your progress is critical for long-term success. With the year now half over, June represents the perfect time to conduct a mid-year business assessment and realign your goals and strategies for the remaining months.

Here are some key areas to focus on during your mid-year business review:


  • Review your profit and loss statements to analyze revenue, expenses, and profit trends compared to your projections
  • Examine cash flow and determine if adjustments are needed to bolster reserves
  • Identify areas to cut costs or increase prices on products/services
  • Ensure you are taking advantage of all eligible tax deductions

Sales & Marketing

  • Evaluate what marketing campaigns/channels have been most effective at reaching customers
  • Look at customer acquisition costs and optimize marketing spend
  • Set new sales goals for the next 6 months based on year-to-date performance
  • Update or restock marketing materials like your website, brochures, etc.


  • Identify any processes or workflows that could be made more efficient
  • Ensure adequate staffing levels or make hiring plans for busier seasons
  • Take inventory of supplies, equipment, and product needs
  • Consider areas to implement new technology or automation

Professional Development

  • Identify potential conferences or courses to attend
  • Make time for networking and building industry connections
  • Work on a new certification or skill to offer an expanded service

By comprehensively evaluating your business at the mid-year point, you can pivot and make any necessary adjustments. This will allow you to capitalize on opportunities, overcome challenges, and finish the year stronger. Set aside dedicated time to analyze your business’s health, and get realigned for success in the months ahead.