Meeting Information
- 1st & 3rd Thursday
- 9:15am - 10:30am
Connections Cafe
114 S Market St
Ligonier, PA 15658 - Contact:
- Kimberly Green
[email protected] - WBN Ligonier Chapter

Ligonier Chapter
Welcome to the Ligonier Chapter of WBN.
Welcome to the LIGONIER Chapter of WBN. We look forward to greeting new members! We are an encouraging group of women that want to help you grow your business, make connections, and bring out the best in you.
Meeting Details:
When: The first and third Thursday of each month.
Location: Connections Cafe
114 S Market St, Ligonier PA 15658
Time: 9:15 AM – 10:30 AM
(We begin our meetings promptly at 9:00)
Dues: $5 – collected once a month. Helps defray the cost of functions, events etc.
When you join you will have a “member mentor” for 3 months to answer questions and assist you with learning our chapter’s operation. The mentor’s goal is to help the new member achieve a level of comfort within this new group of women.
Our meeting agenda:
Welcome – 30 second commercial
Presentation speaker – a 20 minute slot to discuss your business or to share ways to bring out the best in each of us. This is a rotating speaker system so everyone can share.
Old Business
Other Business
Table Topic – 5 minute topic – Again a rotating speaker system
Review of Upcoming WBN events and Chapter events
Let’s Be Social
We are a networking group – so network. Like the Facebook or Instagram pages of our members. Share posts and promote your WBN sisters.
Want to get to know someone better? Schedule an out of meeting lunch, dinner, or organize an event for all to attend.
We can’t wait to meet YOU! If you have questions please contact us. Drop by a meeting or reach out to an existing member to learn more. We are here for you!